Рататуй на английском с английскими субтитрами, Изучение английского языка с нуля

Рататуй на английском с английскими субтитрами

Перевести Добавить комментарий. Мультик позволяет освоить простую и распространённую лексику, в том числе повествование от разных лиц я, ты, он, она, они. Действие анимационного сериала «Новые приключения Питера Пена» происходит в современном Лондоне. Этот материал впервые был опубликован в ноябре года. Крыс Реми живет в подвале шикарного парижского ресторана и ежедневно рискует жизнью, добывая на кухне кусочки и крошки, оставшиеся от шедевров кулинарного искусства.

We needed a garbage boy. Luckily he landed in a sink filled with dishwater. Remy climbed out and dashed for an open window. But on his way, he passed over the stove where he spied the soup Linguini had ruined. Out of nowhere, the Gusteau sprite reappeared. This is your chance. He washed his hands and began to add ingredients to the soup until the pot bubbled with delicious smells.

Everything seemed fine until Remy realized that Linguini was watching him. Suddenly, Skinner entered. Where is the soup? Skinner stormed over to Linguini. Skinner was furious. It was delicious!

Смотрим Рататуй и учим английский на слух

A few moments later, the waiter returned to the kitchen. She likes the soup. Suddenly, Skinner spotted Remy by the window. Skinner ordered him to take the rat away and kill it. Linguini hopped onto his bicycle and peddled off with Remy. Did you nod?? You understand me?? Do you think you could do it again? The two agreed to work together and the next morning Linguini entered the kitchen with Remy hidden in his clothes.

Skinner approached him. Remy popped out of his shirt cuff to see Linguini reaching for the wrong spice. With no other way to stop him, Remy bit him on the arm. Yelping in pain, Linguini took Remy into the food safe. We gotta figure out something else.

But before he could see Remy, Linguini shut off the light. Skinner flicked it back on and yelled at Linguini who was now standing alone. Get out. Suddenly, Remy looked up and noticed Linguini was about to crash into a waiter carrying a tray piled high with dishes. The yank jerked Linguini backwards in an almost impossible limbo-arch under the tray of dishes.

But soon they realized that Remy could control Linguini like a puppet by pulling on his hair. It was the perfect solution! Linguini and Remy went home to practice cooking together in this new way. After a lot of practice, Remy was able to "pilot" Linguini with ease. The next day, Linguini was able to make the soup for Skinner. But you will need to know more than soup if you are to survive in my kitchen, boy. This meant that the restaurant really belonged to Linguini, not Skinner.

He decided to be so mean to him that Linguini would leave the restaurant forever. First, he assigned Colette to teach Linguini how to work in the kitchen. Colette was the toughest chef in the kitchen, and Skinner thought Linguini would give up.

But Colette and Linguini became friends. Linguini worked hard and did a good job. Then Skinner came up with a new plan to make Linguini fail. A forgotten favorite of the Chefs: "Sweetbread a la Gusteau! Now hurry up.

But Remy could tell that something was wrong with the recipe, so he decided to invent his own version of the dish. The whole kitchen was shocked that Linguini had changed the dish, and waited anxiously to see what the customers would think. Mustafa soon returned. I have seven more orders.

That night, Remy was out by the garbage cans behind the restaurant. Suddenly, he heard a noise. What a surprise — it was his brother, Emile! Remy and Emile were thrilled. Both of them had been worried they would never see each other again. Emile took Remy to visit the rest of the rats, who had started a new colony in the sewer. Django suspected Remy was doing something dangerous.

He told him to be careful and stay away from humans. I want to add something to this world. Later that day, Emile surprised Remy by showing up with a bunch of hungry rats.

Remy scowled at his brother, then disappeared into the kitchen to gather some food. But the food safe was locked. As he scampered onto the desk, a framed portrait of Gusteau spoke to him. Why would Linguini be filed with your will? Remy snatched both the will and the letter in his mouth and dashed away.

Skinner chased after him on a moped. By the river, Remy leapt from one boat to another with Skinner hot on his tail. Then, in one last desperate leap, Remy launched himself into the air.

The documents in his mouth spread like wings and he sailed across the water to safety. Later, when Skinner returned to his office, he found Linguini sitting at his desk. Get out of my office. You are in his. What is the secret to your gemus?

Just then a shadowy figure appeared. The crowd grew still. Linguini recognized the man. He was amazed. Suddenly, Emile surprised Remy. Remy noticed instantly that it was inside a trap. But as Remy ran to knock Emile away from the cage, he fell into it himself.

Before Emile could get help, Skinner appeared and locked the trap in the trunk of his car. As the cooks worked in the kitchen, Mustafa nervously approached his table. Tell him to hit me with his best shot. Django jumped into the trunk and opened the trap. When he arrived, the kitchen was in chaos.

Just then, everyone in the kitchen froze. There, in the middle of the doorway like a tiny gunslinger, was Remy. The other cooks tried to kill Remy, but as they closed in, Linguini threw himself between the cooks and his friend. I know this sounds insane. But this rat. We can be the greatest restaurant in Paris.

Ratatouille / Рататуй (by Walt Disney, 2001) - аудиокнига на английском

And this rat, this brilliant little chef, can lead us there. Особенно сложно объяснить важность изучения английского языка своему ребенку, ведь ему не объяснишь в двух словах, что сейчас знание этого языка необходимо каждому. Но все можно изменить, если превратить изучение языка в увлекательную игру, которая, впрочем, подойдет не только детям, но и взрослым, которые бывают не менее капризны, чем дети. В этом разделе нашего сайта вы без труда сможете найти качественный мультфильм на английском, который понравится вам и вашим детям.

Если у вас и у вашего малыша знание языка пока не на очень высоком уровне, то лучше всего будет начать просмотр таких мультфильмов со сказок.

14 мультиков на английском, которые помогут подтянуть язык

Выберите любую знакомую вам и вашему ребенку сказку, сюжет которой вы хорошо знаете, и приступайте к её просмотру в режиме онлайн.

Некоторые специалисты рекомендуют для изучения языка выбирать те мультфильмы, которые будут иметь дорожку субтитров. Если вы будете слушать, что говорят герои мультфильма и при этом видеть внизу экрана полноценный перевод, то уже после нескольких просмотров мультфильмов вы начнете постепенно ориентироваться в английском языке.

Также можно попробовать сначала посмотреть мультик, дублированный на русском языке, а потом найти его же версию, только без перевода. Это будет также интересно и познавательно, ведь мультфильмы озвучивают прямые носители языка, которые всегда четко проговаривают свои слова. Так что если вы хотите обучиться английскому языку или обучить ему своих родных, то смело выбирайте какой-либо мультфильм из этого раздела нашего сайта, ведь для просмотра картин здесь вам не нужна регистрация, нет здесь и надоедливой рекламы.

Все мультики, подобранные на нашем сайте можно смотреть в режиме онлайн в высоком качестве. Мультфильмы на английском смотреть онлайн бесплатно. Синдбад легенда семи морей.

УРОК АНГЛИЙСКОГО по фильму - Рататуй - Для начинающих за 14 мин

Год выпуска: Просмотров: Дата: Английский для детей: обучение цветам. Вверх на английском языке.

Английский по мультику Рататуй (Ratatouille 2007) + разговорные фразы