The dominant stepmother, Andrey N . Sobolev / Андрей Николаевич Соболев | Russian academy of sciences -

The dominant stepmother

Sobolev, I. Teaching Documents. The dialect is identified clearly as a Macedonian Debar variety.

Условия амперометрического титрования иона Ag i серосодержащими реагентами. Яхшиева Зухра Зиятовна. Коучинг в повышении мотивации пациентов к проведению лечебно-профилактических мероприятий при заболеваниях пародонта.

TL;DR: With the help of a specially modified coaching method, increasing of motivation to treatment and prevention of periodontal disease in patients is conducted and it has been found that the level of dental motivation is sensitive to the applied techniques of formation.

Osip Mandel’shtam, trans. Don Mager - Poetry & Translation | Interim Poetry & Poetics

Abstract: The phenomenon of "coaching" in dentistry is a fundamentally new direction of medical science and practice. Coach-ing differs from counseling by motivation orientation. With the help of a specially modified coaching method, increasing of motivation to treatment and prevention of periodontal disease in patients is conducted.

In the controlling group people treatment is accompanied by tra-ditional counseling including motivation for a healthy lifestyle, teaching the standard method of cleaning teeth and infor-mation on plans and predictable treatment results. It has been found that the level of dental motivation is sensitive to the applied techniques of formation.

In the observ-ing group, where the technique of coaching is applied, there is a significant migration of patients from the number of less "motivated" to more "motivated". Obtained results make possible to recommend the introduction of coaching techniques into the work of periodontal centers and specialized units in order to increase motivation of patients to prevention and treatment of periodontal dis-eases.

Eksistensi budaya bahari tradisi petik laut di muncar banyuwangi. Eko Setiawan. TL;DR: In this article, the authors explained the existence of myth in petik laut ceremony in Muncar, ritual procession, and religious values existing in it using qualitative approach and concluded that the sequence agenda of Petik Laut combines Islamic doctrine and Osing custom.

Abstract: Petik laut is an expression of fishermen community thanks in Muncar for treasure and safety given by God through nature, especially sea. Petik laut ritual is held annually on Muharram month or Syuro by the citizen lived on the coast. The focus of this article explains the existence of myth in petik laut ceremony in Muncar, ritual procession, and religious values existing in it. This article uses qualitative approach.

Mother, Daniel Keene

In conclusion, the sequence agenda of petik laut combines Islamic doctrine and Osing custom. The intention and the purpose of various ceremony of the sea handout is commonly same namely asking to the God in order to fishermen get over sea yield in the next year and are avoided from disaster during fishing. Almost those fishermen community believe that sea has keeper supernatural being. Therefore, in every sea ritual, they always give offerings given to supernatural being keeper the sea.

Keywords : maritime custom, Petik Laut, Islam. Практическое энергосбережение при модернизации уличного освещения в муниципальных образованиях. Abstract: The relevance and the goal of research.

The article is devoted to issues of the practical energy saving when upgrading street lighting of small settlements. The object of research is street lighting. The subject of research is the replacement of the type and power of the lamp.

The method. The article deals with the current situation with street lighting on the basis of existing street lamps of RKY type with mercury arc lamps DRL of W. Based on modern software products, computer modeling of street lighting and the calculation of standardized indicators for use cases of JKY lamps with high-pressure sodium arc lamp DNaT of W are conducted. Lighting design of the road with the existing lamps RKY and a comparative calcula-tion with lamps JKY are made.

Graphic characteristics of 2D and 3D models of the test section of the road illumi-nation are provided. Specified value of the average luminance in accordance with GOST is shown. The calculation of basic lighting parameters average brightness, average luminance, maximum luminance, minimum luminance is made.

The results. The information about the financial cost of street lighting modernization is presented. The calculation of the payback period of the project is made. The conclusions. Energy-saving effect is received. Iwan Marwan.

Seduced by Madness: The Diane Borchardt Story (TV Movie 1996)

TL;DR: The switch code, structures the code-mixing, and its factor in child language acquisition is explained and some factor in language acquisition are environment, topic, condition and vocabulary limited. Abstract: This research aims to explains the switch code, structures the code-mixing, and its factor in child language acquisition.

Data source this study is a three-year-old child in a bilingual family. Data collection is carried out by means of observing and reading carefully and repeatedly.

The Dominant Step-Mother

Based on studies produced two conclusions. First , the switch code and the code mixing in child language acquisition includes verbal, numeral and particles. Second , the structure of the code and code-mixing in language acquisition include sentence structure and sentence statement. Third, some factor in language acquisition are environment, topic, condition and vocabulary limited.

Keywords; the switch code and code mixing; form; structure ; factor. Влияние температурного градиента на работу информационно-пеленгационного блока модуля межспутниковой линии связи. Михайловский Артур Игоревич. TL;DR: In this paper, a cooperative learning with behaviorism and constructivism theories is discussed, especially cooperative learning Jigsaw type, and the advantages of cooperative learning are 1 increasing positive attitude toward learning activity, 2 rousing interaction among students, 3 increasing learning achievement and 4 authentic assessment.

Abstract: One of problem that needs attention in learning activity is learning method, technique, and strategy. Cooperative learning strategy has some elements namely 1 positive inter-dependency, 2 face-to-face, 3 individual responsibility, 4 group and interpersonal skill, and 5 group process effectiveness. The theory basis of cooperative learning comes from different perspective.

This article elaborates cooperative learning with behaviorism and constructivism theories, especially cooperative learning Jigsaw type. As Slavin stated that the techniques that use the appropriate approach are Jigsaw, Group investigation, and Learning Together.

The advantages of cooperative learning are 1 increasing positive attitude toward learning activity, 2 rousing interaction among students, 3 increasing learning achievement, and 4 authentic assessment.

Implementasi strategi pembelajaran kooperatif cooperative learning tipe jigsaw di perguruan tinggi. Dewi Agus Triani.

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TL;DR: In this article, a cooperative learning strategy-jigsaw type can give contribution toward teaching in higher education in order to un-dominated learning by lecturer that makes the students tend to be passive getting and memorizing materials from the lecturer.

Abstract: Cooperative learning is a learning that asks students to work in group to solve problems given. Jigsaw is one of method in cooperative learning strategy that gives students space to learn actively by optimizing their potentials and responsible to their team.

This article consists of explanation on cooperative learning strategy-jigsaw type that can be applied in higher education, especially Islamic higher education. Cooperative learning strategy-jigsaw type can give contribution toward teaching in higher education in order to un-dominated learning by lecturer that makes the students tend to be passive getting and memorizing materials from the lecturer.

The implementation of cooperative learning strategy-jigsaw type will add teaching variation for lecturer and make the students become more creative in building their knowledge.

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Keywords; cooperative learning, Jigsaw, higher education, creativity. Влияние густого экстракта листьев березы бородавчатой на развитие нефропатии у крыс на фоне метаболического синдрома. Abstract: Recently the number of patients with signs of the metabolic syndrome MS increases. Quite often in these patients a target organ is kidneys. Development of MS in rats is followed by reduction of an excretion of sodium and increase in his reabsorption.

Влияние формы числа стимула-подлежащего на сочетаемость с ним реакции-сказуемого в условиях направленного ассоциативного эксперимента. Букаренко Светлана Григорьевна. TL;DR: This article deals with the influence of the stimulus with a negative particle "NE" as a response of native Russian speakers in a directed association experiment, which in a number of Russian speakers exceeds the associative power of main parts of the sentence.

Abstract: В данной статье рассматривается проблема имплицитного влияния формы числа слова-подлежащего в функции стимула на сочетаемость с ним сказуемого-реакции в условиях направленного ассоциативного эксперимента.

Для сопоставления были использованы сказуемые-реакции на стимулы в виде слов-подлежащих в форме единственного числа Ветка и в форме множественного числа Ветки. Результатом анализа стала гипотеза о зависимости предпочтительного выбора того или иного сказуемого и способа его выражения от форм числа слова-подлежащего.

Эластичные электропроводящие полимерные материалы на основе 1,2-СПб. TL;DR: In this paper, the dependence of the polymer composition fluctuation on the percentage of fillers content is studied, and the most appropriate mass fractions for fillers to process the composition at low temperatures are determined.

Abstract: Rheological electricity-conducting properties of compositions obtained on the basis of syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene, filled with carbon black Printex-XE-2B and dioctylphthalate plasticizer are investigated. The dependence of the polymer composition fluctuation on the percentage of fillers content is studied. The most appropriate mass fractions of fillers to process the composition at low temperatures are determined. Функциональные состояния и адаптация работника. Возвращаясь к вопросу о научном статусе философии и ее месте в системе научного знания.

Андреева Ольга Сергеевна. Дифференциальная диагностика синдрома ангины при инфекционных заболеваниях у детей. TL;DR: Angina syndrome is observed in children with various infectious diseases, both viral and bacterial etiology, it determines the severity of the disease. Abstract: The aim of research is to conduct differential diagnostics of infectious diseases accompanied by the syndrome of tonsillitis in children. It is found that the angina syndrome in most cases is caused by bacterial agents — streptococci, staphylococci, or their combinations.

Contributing factors for the development of angina can be local or general cooling, fatigue, mental strain, other transferred infectious diseases and sensitization of the organism, vitamin deficiency. Children often suffer from angina in fall and spring seasons. Among infectious diseases such as viral and bacterial etiology, the angina syndrome most often occurs as a separate nosological entity — bacterial angina.

In addition, the angina syndrome is detected in scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis, enteroviral and other infections adenovirus, herpes viruses and fungi Candida. The problem relevance of bacterial angina is due to the development of complications, both early otitis, sinusitis, peritonsillar abscess, lymphadenitis , and later glomerulonephritis, myocarditis, arthritis, acute vascular purpura.

The development of angina syndrome is often caused by the association of viral and bacterial infections, such as infectious mononucleosis, which complicates the etiological diagnosis of the underlying disease. Due to the difficulties of etiological decoding of angina for causal treatment it is necessary to take into account the clinical course of diseases associated with the syndrome of angina.

Описание: English-Spanish Version In this beloved collection, children will be entranced by these whimsical and memorable, classic rhymes Between the pages of the Brighter Child R Keepsake Stories books are the classic tales of magic, imagination, and inspiration that will delight children again and again. Each book includes 32 pages of fresh, captivating illustrations, and measures 8" x 8.

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The truly fantastic pictures speak more than a thousand words as artist Scott Gustafson riffs in paint on themes present and imagined in each verse. But other paintings are surprises, like an anthropomorphic baking bear, a pelican sea captain, and Peter Piper as a pug on two legs.