Khon la khob fah

Khon la khob fah

AirDate - это. Узел любви. She also develops feeling for him but she also keeps it inside and never shows much feelings for him. Количество серий: 13 Нашли ошибку? She blames him through the whole thing and he wonders why he felt the need to save a girl that had a bad mouth and bull shits on everyone.

Чаника несколько лет прожила в США и вернулась домой, узнав о болезни отца. На родине она видит, что их семейный бизнес находится на грани банкротства, а все сбережения ушли на лечение папы. Главной героине ничего не остается, кроме как спешно искать работу, чтобы содержать семью. Подруга Сан помогает устроиться на каучуковую плантацию, которой владеет Её родственник Чинапат. Об этом парне ходят нехорошие слухи, и новая работница сразу же в них верит. Она старается держаться от своего работодателя подальше, да и сам начальник не стремится к тесному общению с дерзкой и язвительной сотрудницей.

Разные линии горизонта / Khon La Khob Fah (): рейтинг и даты выхода серий

Тем временем родители Чинапата мечтают женить сына на подходящей невесте. И такая девушка уже найдена — это дочка маминой лучшей подружки Мин. But he is always careful to treat her as a guest and as a upper class person and not as someone in the same level in society as he is.

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They spend more time together and he begins to fall in love with her but he keeps it to himself. She also develops feeling for him but she also keeps it inside and never shows much feelings for him.

She also wants revenge on the people that did this to her and her father.

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She was also engaged to be married. Saksit also returned to his job as the gardener. She would come by to talk to him.

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He was always there to help her with her problems. One day she finally succeeded in finding the killers and they were after her once again but Saksit is there to save her.

She ran into his arms and he shot the killer.

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Saksit was also informed about her engagement and was invited to her wedding. Episode 11 Episode 10 Episode 9 Episode 8 Episode 7 Episode 6 Episode 5 Episode 4 Episode 3 Episode 2 Episode 1 Сериалы Турецкие сериалы Корейские сериалы Русские сериалы Аниме.

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